esmaspäev, 19. september 2016

Black on Black

Ey babes <3
I've been posting quite a few outfit post lately. So here is another one haha. What do you think about my outfits? Should I post more pictures of what I wear?
Yesterday I met up with two of my girlfriends to catch up in Helsinki and maybe take some photos. I like the photos, so I want to share them with You. I am actually really excited about posting outfit posts. Usually I really like more to talk about makeup and put pictures about exploring, but don't worry because I have plenty of ideas for my blog and I don't know where to begin with ;)

My outfits and what I wear depends on how I feel and what is my mood at the moment. I don't like to follow the fashion and magazines 24/7, because I feel that I don't need to do that. When I shop, I don't mustly follow the trends and what is in. If I like something with good price and it fits, I buys ;) 
I love leather and black. Mixed the outfit up with a nice pair of Nike Huaraches. I love the dark red color. 

Eile sai üks tore pühapäev kahe sõbrannaga pildistades ja kohvitades Helsingis veedetud . Hiljuti olenikka päris mitu postitust enda outfittidest teinud ja jäin shuudiga üpriski rahule, mis te arvate? Mulle endale väga meeldib erinevates stiilides riideid kokku mixida, ega tegelikult jälgi trende ega uuemaid kollektsioone, mis Stockmannis müüki on tulnud jne, u get me :D pigem kui shoppan poodides ja midagi mõistliku hinnaga ilusat leian, siis ikka ostan. Muidu kapp ikka riideid nii täis, et alati skeemib midagi ilusat erinevatest stiilides kokku mixida ;)

Leather jacket: H&M kids (I often find cool clothes from childrens department)
Leather pants: New Yorker
Leather backpack: (which I also use in school) New Yorker
And Nike Huaraches that I don't know if available in any website. I'm lucky I found them at the store soon as they went on sale :)

If You've noticed, I also love to take pictures of my friends and basically everything surrounding me. Pictures are beautiful, they speak in so many languages and ways. I don't have the best camera at the time, but I am not complaining because I am doing goood. :)

See you in next post!

Armastan ka tegelikult oma sõpradest ja kõigest mind ümbritsevast pilte teha. Fotograafia on mulle tähtsaks saanud, ja mida enam pildistan, seda rohkem tajun, et deem mulle ikka väga meeldib kõike pildistada. Suur soov on tulevikus parem objektiiv kaamerasse osta, aga hetkel saan ilusti oma vana-vana Canoniga hakkama. 

Järgmise korrani, kallidpaid!

: K.M

6 kommentaari:

  1. You should definitely keep doing this blog like you have been doing it so far. Outfit pics i mean. Maybe more beauty fashion, nails, skincare, manicure, pedicure etc. Love you and love your style. Keep going on hun ��

    1. Yay! Thank You so much. Means a lot to me! I love You.

  2. Vau, kyllä on nuoressa naisessa tyyliä!

  3. Hey. I think manicure/pedicure things are great idea. Your nails are definitely something you should post. Because I see your nails are absolutely beautiful.

  4. Tuohon anonyymiin kommenttiin liittyen, mä voisin tarjota muutaman ilmasen manikyyri-pedikyyri kerran! Ota yhteyttä jos kiinnostaa :)
